BBCs dækning af FNs klimarapport afspejlede ikke virkeligheden

BBCs dækning af ​​den nye FN-klimarapport kritiseres for at have givet skeptikere alt for meget sendetid.


Fremtrædende klimaeksperter har beskyldt BBC for bias i retning af klimaskeptikerne og på bekostning af velrenomerede videnskabsfolk. BBC forsøger at skabe en ‘falsk balance’, der giver klimaskeptikere en ‘unødig stemme’ med hensyn til den nye rapport, lyder kritikken.

Ifølge John Ashton, tidligere øverste embedsmand i klimaafdelingen i det britiske Udenrigsministerium, var BBCs dækning af rapporten fra Det Mellemstatslige Panel om Klimaændringer intet mindre end et “forræderi mod den redaktionelle professionalisme, som BBCs omdømme er blevet bygget på gennem generationer.”

“This goes to the heart of science reporting – you wouldn’t have a homeopath speaking alongside a brain surgeon for balance, as that would be absurd. It’s just as absurd to have a climate sceptic for balance against the work of the overwhelming majority of climate scientists.”
Steve Jones, biologist

The Guardian – 2. oktober 2013:
BBC coverage of IPCC climate report criticised for sceptics’ airtime
Steve Jones among experts querying BBC ‘false balance’ in giving climate sceptics ‘undue’ voice on global warming study

“How can letting a geologist appear as a legitimate climate scientist to ridicule the IPCC report be in the public interest? Outside his native Australia, Bob Carter is hardly a household name. But last Friday his gravelly brogue was inescapable, at least for anyone tuned to BBC radio news bulletins.”

The Guardian – 2 October 2013:
The BBC betrayed its values by giving Professor Carter this climate platform
By John Ashton

“It’s not a coincidence that politically conservative tabloids and newspapers like the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Australian, and Wall Street Journal spend a disproportionate amount of time amplifying the voices of the less than 3 percent of climate contrarian scientists, as well as many non-scientist contrarians.”

The Guardian – 29. oktober 2013:
BBC coverage criticised for favouring climate change sceptics
A letter from the BBC in response to the science committee’s criticism defends airing ‘misinformed’ arguments. Artikel af Fiona Harvey

The Guardian – 5. oktober 2013:
Global warming sceptics using media campaign to discredit IPCC
Lord Lawson’s group GWPF teams up with Civitas and the US Heartland Institute to distort debate on climate change. Artikel af Bob Ward

The Guardian – 4. oktober 2013:
Let’s be honest – the global warming debate isn’t about science
The scientific evidence on human-caused global warming is clear. Opposition stems from politics, not science. By Dana Nuccitelli

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