Australien: Avis irettesat for sin klimavildledning

Mediemogulen Rupert Murdochs avis The Australian er i denne uge blevet sat på skolebænken af det australske pressenævn for at have gentaget fejlagtige og vildledende påstande om den seneste rapport fra FNs klimapanel IPCC.


Pressenævnet stadfæstede en klage over avisen for ukritisk at have videreformidlet fejlbehæftede artikler fra The Daily Mail og Wall Street Journal, selv efter at have modtaget og offentliggjort en korrektion af David Karoly, professor i atmosfærisk videnskab ved University of Melbourne og en bidragyder til IPCC-rapporten.

Dommen kommer i kølvandet af nye, meningsløse klima-kommentarer fra Murdoch, hvis publikationer siges at være “arnesteder for klimaskepsis”.

Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian has been taken to task by the Australian Press Council (APC) this week for repeating erroneous and misleading claims about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest report.

The APC upheld complaints against the paper for uncritically pushing incorrect Daily Mail and Wall Street Journal articles, even after receiving and publishing a correction by David Karoly, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Melbourne and a contributor to the IPCC report.

The ruling comes in the wake of new, nonsensical climate comments from Murdoch, whose publications are “hotbeds of climate scepticism ”.

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